Receiving Computer delivered:
The receiving computers were delivered to the SADC THEMA in Gaborone/Botswana on Friday June 19th. The SADC THEMA staff can now complete the last preparations. They need to install, configure and test the software for the new hardware in Gaborone/Botswana and prepare/adapt the documentation.
The SADC THEMA has also requested to get a tax clearance for the equipment from the AUC in Addis. They need this paperwork in order to cross the border while transporting the equipment from Botswana to Zimbabwe. They have submitted the request for gift certificate, and they expect the documents in the next week or so.
Installation foreseen in July 2015:
So, the installation of the receiving station in Masvingo is now provisionally planned on 13 - 15 July 2015. (To be Confirmed) BDMS will communicate the proposed dates to GZU this week, once the dates are confirmed. The SADC THEMA are now making all the necessary preparations in order to meet the above stated dates.
AFIS Fire Terminal:
The software running on the station will be be the AFIS Fire Terminal (as was for AMESD). The new AFIS fire terminal (Linux, web application) is foreseen to be released only at the end of August. For now, BDMS will install the old AFIS terminal on Windows 7. For data management, they will use EFTS Agents from EUMETSAT. Once the new AFIS terminal application is released (by CSIR/South Africa), an SADC-THEMA engineer will go over to Masvingo (Zimbabwe) again to install the upgrade and to train the users.