Monday, July 20, 2015

Pictures of the EUMETCast receiving station installation

On Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14th of July, staff from the MESA-SADC THEMA visited the GZU in Masvingo to install the EUMETCast receiving station.
Hereafter are some pictures of the installation.

All software was installed on the EUMETCast receiving station in Gaborone. Hence the factory acceptance took place.

Then the receiving station was driven from Gaborone to Masvingo by MESA-SADC THEMA staff.

Then the site was inspected. The pole was already erected by GZU staff on a solid concrete base.

And the antenna dish was erected. It is a 2.4m mesh antenna.

And a coax cable connects the antenna with the indoor equipment room.

Positioning the antenna to the Atlantic Bird 3 satellite, and fine-tuning the position to maximise the signal strength.

Building up the indoor sub-system.
One screen is meant for monitoring the receiving applications. (Telecast et al)
The other screen is used for running GIS applications, so for the actual work.

The Active Fire Information System (AFIS) on the left.

When everything is installed and working, it is time to sign the "Acceptance" papers. By signing these papers, GZU acknowledge to have received a EUMETCast receiving station.

And the day was finished with a demonstration for the dean of the faculty and the GZU lecturers.

Many thanks to Thembani Moitlhobogi and his colleagues of the MESA SADC THEMA for the good work.